Marketing plays an integrator role in both understanding an organisational capabilities and market dynamics. It has cross-functional effects on all other departments and/or functions in an organisation. In today’s digital world, marketing managers are confronted with unprecedented amount of data (and noise) in the marketplace. The ubiquitous proliferation of technology-enabled services is increasing the unpredictability, volume and vagueness of data in business environments. Thus, the term ‘big data’ is coined to describe the un-structured nature of voluminous data available in different formats and from various sources.
Marketing analytics is concerned with using the latest technology and analytical techniques to explore and examine, store and manage, process and report evidence-based probabilities of big data for sound marketing decisions. This half-day workshop is suitable for marketing and strategy practitioners to gain an overview understanding and knowledge of current developments and thinking of the techniques and practical applications of marketing analytics. Specifically, the workshop aims to develop participants’ knowledge and understanding of:
- Basic analytical tools for processing big data and developing marketing analytics for decision-making.
- Marketing response models and industry applications.